Innovative Collaboration: Carnot x Railway Station
Huge success of Chiller Plant AI Optimization Project
Carnot Innovations has brought our innovative solutions to railway station on reducing energy consumption, improving energy efficiency throughout operations, and achieving carbon reduction. The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers has published the paper "Application of artificial intelligence (AI) control system on chiller plant at a railway station", having Carnot as one of the contributors. The project objective is to apply a fully automated AI system to control the HVAC in real-time, thus optimize energy performance whilst maintaining standard passenger comfort level on destined stations. The result is hugely encouraging, generated approximately 8.7% annual energy savings, revealing Carnot AI system and optimization strategies have led to better energy efficiency.
Annual Energy Saving
The results revealed the proposed AI system achieves better energy efficiency with annual energy savings of approximately 8.7%.
Outstanding AI solutions to meet business needs
Carnot AI-powered FDD & automated chiller plant optimization platform is a centralized software that automatically retrieves data from critical mechanical equipment, building automation systems and IOT devices to provide multiple levels of advanced analytics and optimized real time controls. Through the predictive power of Carnot AI, the chiller plant's power consumption and cooling demands can be forecasted based on actual weather conditions and equipment status.
Automated energy optimization strategies are used, for instance:
Staging and sequencing of chillers based on chiller runtimes and plant part-load
Chilled water supply temperature set-point (CHWST reset)
Real-time and forecasted weather data from the Hong Kong Observatory as variables
Therefore, Carnot software platform enables a railway station to achieve their green railway initiatives. This project once again proves that integration of AI control system could make an effort in reducing energy consumption as well as attaining ESG goals. It is truly amazing to see that important stakeholders are welcoming innovative ways to save energy with Carnot Innovations. With the use of AI, we can save our planet without compromising the efficiency of business daily operations and the comfortability of occupants.