How it Works?

Data Collection
Our system has the ability to gather data from various sources and handle it cohesively.
Dashboards & Reports
We offer solutions that can be customized to each client's specific needs.
AI-based fault detection and diagnostics (AI FDD) improves equipment health monitoring and allows for predictive maintenance.
AI Predictions
By taking various factors into consideration, we can accurately predict parameters such as power usage and cooling load.
AI Optimization
AI optimization leads to significant energy savings and higher efficiency.
Mobile Apps
Through a mobile app, users can control their rooms and do maintenance.
BIM Integration
Able to import and consolidate drawings/models developed for assets and facilities with BIM platform advanced data display.

Our Features


Customizable In-house Dashboard

All chart-displaying pages could be customizable by users, such as: Layout within the Page, Custom Date/Time Range, Charting Customization, Page Permission Settings


Fault Analysis

Users could understand the root causes of asset faults and compare for future preventive maintenance to optimize the remaining asset lifecycle through the Carnot platform


Equipment Health

Carnot dashboard provides an overview of equipment health, showing a heatmap to prioritize the maintenance schedule and gauges to indicate the health of different equipment parts. Severity and keyword filters are available


AI Energy Optimization

Prescriptive Real-time AI Powered Controls and Savings Realization


Thermal and Occupancy Heat Maps

Easy Access to Floor Heat Maps


Solar Radiation

Global Solar Radiation Variance


Centralized Portfolio Management

Carnot platform can help users to monitor all buildings in their portfolio with overview as well as individual facilities


Plant Monitoring and Analytics

All water side and air side equipment performance, as well as cooling load and energy consumption, etc. are presented in real time



Custom report based on users need and automated PDF generation feature


Work Order

Carnot dashboard support work order and provide the internal work order creation and management/tracking features


BIM Integration

Moving data seamlessly from one system to another, giving users better context, deeper understanding, and leveraging better decision-making


System Accessibility

The homepage, menu items and available features can be configured directly from the desktop dashboard without code

All desktop and mobile versions of the dashboard support English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese

Support iOS,  Android and tablets